Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Are there not more important issues facing the U.S. at this time?

    There is no argument that the U.S. and perhaps the globe are facing many weighty issues.

    This effort in no way intends to disparage dedicated efforts regarding those issues. 

    There is likely no objective measure of the most important issues. 

    Engagement and dedicated effort in any cause is always somewhat of a choice and personal


  • What are the activities of the center?

    A central activity in our first year will be to assess the larger landscape of existing advocacy efforts. It will be important for the center to identify, differentiate and complement its function from existing efforts. We hope to serve as an informational portal for the diversity of advocacy efforts. We may also hold forums for community members to learn, engage and discuss the various issues related to wealth and income inequality. Longer term, we hope to provide financial support to various advocacy efforts locally or nationally,

  • How will the center maintain, who and how will momentum continue?

    Engagement with the community in the way of moral support and participation on our board. 

    Of course, fundraising will be critical. 

    You will find a donate button on this site at the top of the page.

  • Will the center provide services to groups or communities?

    It is not the intention to provide direct services. 

    The objective is to focus upstream on the causes of income and wealth disparity and potential remedies. 

    However, it is possible that services may be considered in the future.

  • How will decisions be made?

    Incorporation by-laws outline how decisions are made by the board of directors. 

    Our mission, values, beliefs and objectives and their continued refinement will guide the board’s decision making.

  • Will advocacy efforts be supported?

    Efforts and activities for change are a central function of this center consistent with governing law related to non-profit status.

  • What are the advocacy efforts?

    You will find a drop-down menu of the various  advocacy efforts which will be a focus for the center. 

    These efforts of course, may expand or modify as we learn more about the larger landscape.

  • How will you know if you are being effective?

    That is an important and critical question. 

    We are interested in making an impact but how to measure the impact is wide open. 

    The answer to this is question will be uncertain for the near future. 

    The answer will likely lie somewhere between a quantitative and qualitative assessment of our own advocacy support.

Don't see your question - contact us

The Wealth and Income Equity Advocacy and Research Landscape

A mapping of organizations working to reduce wealth and income inequality in the United States.

This study provides a snapshot of organizations and institutions working to

reduce wealth and income inequality. It enriches our view of the current landscape as well as where there is need and potential. During this study, over 350 organizations were mapped across 31 states in the U. S.  While it is by no means comprehensive, it does provide a beginning map of the breadth and location of organizations. It also provides significant information about the efforts, strategies, locations, contact information, and focus areas.  This wealth of information can be helpful to funders and other organizations working on similar issues to engage and partner with each other to achieve mutual goals. Significantly, the study contributes to the conversation about the role of coalitions and networks in addressing systemic inequality in the United States.

The Wealth Inequality Report I The Wealth Inequality Report II The Wealth Inequality Report III

Useful Links

Learn about an association of City Mayors who are advocating for Universal Basic Income.

Learn about how wealthy individuals are promoting public policy solutions that encourage political equality, guarantee a sustaining wage for working Americans, and ensure that millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. 


Poverty Soars

This video narration of a cross section of housed and unhoused Americans struggling to make ends meet underscores that the American dream has eluded more individuals and families than we might think.

Nurse Explains the Health Care System Faults

This impassioned self- made video by a young nurse is a poignant description of the economic downward slide into hospital emergency rooms.  She documents how patients suffering economic challenges acquire health issues then require health services only to be placed on the street with little to no support.

Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality

This NY Times journalist documents the hypocritical behavior of many Americans. Despite espoused values, there is a clear contradiction in their behavior.


Universal Basic Income: Does It Work?

Check out this article from the Boston Globe which describes the outcome and prognosis for a guarenteed basic income. 

How Mondragon Became the World

Check out this very incisive description and analysis about the evolution of the most extensive worker owned and operated co-ops in Spain. Worker coops while not a panacea can certainly add to broader effort to reduce the gap between the haves and have less. 

Unions on the Rise

Is there reason for hope?  Has the tide turned with more workers collectively uniting to demand decent wages and improved working conditions?  This article in the NY Times would suggest that is the case.

Retiring Small Businesses

Is there an optimistic trend for worker coops? This article from the Boston Globe describes how older entrepreneurs are turning their businesses over to a younger generation.

Massachusetts: A Hotbed for Employee Ownership

Mirroring the trend described in a related article on worker coops, this organization is actively facilitating the trend on a grand scale.

Wealth and Income Inequality in the Basque Region

No one is suggesting that worker coops are the answer to wealth and income inequality but this article takes note that the Basque region of Spain, home to the most extensive network of coops, also has one of the lowest poverty rates.

Our Economy Thrives on Bad Feelings

This op-ed piece from the NY Times provides perspective on how emotions inadvertently perpetrate inequality.  The author notes that in spite of relative wealth, those with economic advantage are plagued with insecurity. 

Can social housing help solve California’s housing crisis?

This article from the East Bay Times (San Francisco Bay Area) describes and advocates for a successful social model of housing prevalent in various Asian and European cities.  It is a more progressive, mixed class model of public housing.

Renters Utopia

A more thorough description of the social housing model advocated by a California legislature, this NY Times piece describes the social housing model in Vienna, Austria where 80% of the population qualifies for “public” housing. 

One Percent

In case you needed a reminder, this link documents the net worth of those on the very top.

The Great Inheritance

There has been a significant focus on the post pandemic behavior of workers.  This brief article suggests that the anticipated inheritance to be enjoyed by some younger workers could influence their attitudes about how and whether to work.

The Fight for Fair Wages

This NY Review of Books article reviews three recent works on labor and unions:  Essential: How the Pandemic Transformed the Long Fight for Worker Justice by Jamie K. McCallum;   On the Clock: What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane by Emily Guendelsberger; and On the Line: A Story of Class, Solidarity, and Two Women’s Epic Fight to Build a Union by Daisy Pitkin.  It is a good overview of the economic, social, and psychological challenges for workers in the 21st century. 

The High Cost of Being Poor

The Princeton Sociologist Matthew Desmond has received a lot of attention for his recently published work on Poverty in the U.S. The NY Review of books review describes the highlights.

Landscape of California Cooperatives

This a very comprehensive summary of historical and current efforts to establish worker, living and childcare cooperatives in California.

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