This domain is not an advocacy effort but rather a forum for continued examination of the subtle and not so subtle political, cultural, and social dynamics surrounding wealth and income inequality. Changing social attitudes and norms contribute to institutional and systemic justification for economic stratification. Embedded ideas and values regarding merit, worthiness, and the value of various labor efforts reinforce economic stratification.

Check back for more detail surrounding these efforts.

By Kevin McGirr April 4, 2024
“The Economy is doing well, why aren’t people feeling it?” The trend line for wealth and income inequality is well documented. As the cliché goes, “the rich have gotten richer while the poor have gotten poorer.” This trend was given significant impetus in the 1980s under the Reagan administration and has continued to diverge since.
Welcome to Social, Cultural and Political topics
June 8, 2023
This section is not an advocacy effort but rather a forum for continued examination of the subtle and not so subtle political, cultural, and social dynamics surrounding wealth and income inequality. Changing social attitudes and norms contribute to institutional and systemic justification for economic stratification. Read more
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