The right to healthcare continues to challenge the wealthiest nation in history. There is clear correlation between income and wealth and health status. Individuals on the lower end of SES have more health problems and shorter life spans than their wealthier peers. Health care in the U.S. is for profit, and unpaid medical bills account for more than half of all debt in collections. Efforts to enact a right to healthcare and a single payer are too numerous to list yet we will continue to monitor advocacy efforts surrounding this issue.

Check back for more detail surrounding these efforts.

Welcome to Single Payer Healthcare
May 15, 2023
The right to healthcare continues to challenge the wealthiest nation in history. There is clear correlation between income and wealth and health status. Individuals on the lower end of SES have more health problems and shorter life spans than their wealthier peers. Health care in the U.S. is for profit and unpaid medical bills account for more than half of all debt in collections. Read more

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